The bridgebuilder Foun­da­tion e.V., with finan­cial sup­port from the Kan­tor­ka Foun­da­tion, has pro­vid­ed aid to the Tabasamu Children’s Home in Kenya. The home, whose name means “smile” in Swahili, is home to 22 orphans. The project aims to pro­vide the chil­dren with a bet­ter life by offer­ing edu­ca­tion, accom­mo­da­tion, and oppor­tu­ni­ties beyond the chal­lenges of town­ship life.

Project Activ­i­ties:

  • The chil­dren received home­school­ing and were trained in per­ma­cul­ture and poul­try farm­ing, fos­ter­ing inde­pen­dence and sus­tain­abil­i­ty skills.
  • New clothes and shoes were pur­chased, bring­ing joy and grat­i­tude to the children.
  • Tree plant­i­ng and mush­room farm­ing activ­i­ties were orga­nized to enhance the home’s environment.
  • Reg­u­lar “Fun Days” and team-build­ing activ­i­ties strength­ened com­mu­ni­ty bonds and pro­vid­ed joy­ful experiences.
  • A grad­u­a­tion cer­e­mo­ny was held to cel­e­brate the children’s  achievements.
  • Pur­chas­es includ­ed kitchen items, gas, med­ical sup­plies, school equip­ment, cloth­ing, shoes, and new beds.

Finances: Total expens­es amount­ed to 1,608,835 Kenyan Shillings (approx­i­mate­ly 10,100 Euros).

We sin­cere­ly thank the Kan­tor­ka Foun­da­tion for their gen­er­ous support!