The cog­wheel stands for work­ings of the “old” eco­nom­ic sys­tem: In too many com­pa­nies and cor­po­ra­tions, peo­ple are treat­ed like machines, like “cogs in the sys­tem”. They have to func­tion smooth­ly, or they will be force­ful­ly replaced.

The leaf in our logo sym­bol­izes the “new” social sys­tem, in which work and life are seen as an organ­ic process. Here, peo­ple and organizations devel­op in self-gov­ern­ing struc­tures and nat­ur­al hier­ar­chies, com­pared to a com­plex ecosys­tem.

The cog­wheel and the leaf are also intend­ed to express our desire to con­tribute to a rec­on­cil­i­a­tion between tech­nol­o­gy and nature. What would a world look like in which nature and tech­nol­o­gy are sym­bi­ot­i­cal­ly linked and do not exploit or fight each other?