The bridgebuilder Foun­da­tion e.V., in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Kan­tor­ka Foun­da­tion, sup­port­ed a project focused on sus­tain­able water sup­ply. The goal was to improve water man­age­ment in the region through water reten­tion and con­ser­va­tion efforts, while rais­ing aware­ness about sus­tain­able water use.

Project Activ­i­ties:

  • Before the project launch, train­ing ses­sions were held to edu­cate the local com­mu­ni­ty on the impor­tance and ben­e­fits of water retention.
  • Water reten­tion sys­tems and water man­age­ment units were designed and expand­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the community.
  • Tools and equip­ment for the project were deliv­ered and installed on-site.
  • Chan­nels were cre­at­ed to slow down water flow, and water reten­tion areas were dug to cap­ture rainwater.
  • A fish pond was con­struct­ed, along with water chan­nels for irri­ga­tion. Water pipes were installed, lead­ing to an under­ground water tank for effi­cient storage.
  • A rooftop water tank was also installed on a con­fer­ence build­ing to pro­vide addi­tion­al water stor­age for the community.


  • The community’s water sup­ply has sig­nif­i­cant­ly improved through the instal­la­tion of water stor­age and irri­ga­tion systems.
  • The water reten­tion sys­tems help recharge ground­wa­ter and reduce the impact of drought periods.
  • The fish pond and irri­ga­tion chan­nels pro­vide a sus­tain­able water source, enhanc­ing the qual­i­ty of life in the area.


  • The project required exten­sive ground­work and pre­cise instal­la­tions to inte­grate the water reten­tion sys­tems and pipelines. Despite these chal­lenges, the project was suc­cess­ful­ly completed.

The project will con­tin­ue, aim­ing to fur­ther devel­op the water sys­tems and ensure long-term water security.

We would like to extend our sin­cere thanks to the Kan­tor­ka Foun­da­tion for their gen­er­ous finan­cial sup­port of this project!