The bridgebuilder Foun­da­tion e.V., in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Hans Sauer Foun­da­tion, sup­port­ed the Kenyan NGO OTEPIC in a refor­esta­tion project. The goal was to plant trees to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment and strength­en the local community.

Project Activ­i­ties:

  • A total of 2,070 trees were plant­ed in var­i­ous loca­tions, includ­ing OTEPIC’s gar­den, the banks of the Sab­wani Riv­er, and a local school.
  • A tree nurs­ery was estab­lished in Sab­wani, oper­at­ed by women’s and youth groups. The seedlings are used for refor­esta­tion and sold to gen­er­ate income for the community.
  • OTEPIC pro­vid­ed train­ing on tree plant­i­ng and care to ensure sus­tain­able main­te­nance of the plant­ed trees.


  • The project brought together peo­ple from dif­fer­ent tribes, fos­ter­ing uni­ty in the region.
  • Women and youth were able to gen­er­ate addi­tion­al income by sell­ing seedlings.
  • The refor­esta­tion efforts help reduce soil ero­sion and cre­ate new habitats.


  • High mate­r­i­al costs and poor trans­porta­tion caused delays, but local vil­lagers stepped in to help over­come these issues.

The project will con­tin­ue, involv­ing more peo­ple and expand­ing the refor­esta­tion efforts.

We would like to thank the Hans Sauer Foun­da­tion for their gen­er­ous finan­cial sup­port of the project!