for changemakers
Our experience has taught us that there are many extraordinary charitable projects out there — and committed people who bring them to life. These inspiring creative sparks make the world a place worth living in.
bridgebuilder e.V. is a non-profit association. We support social, ecological or cultural projects free of charge. Are you part of such a project? Then secure our support now!

How it works
How we support you
Looking back on many years of experience in campaign development and fundraising, we support emerging initiatives or campaigns that are already underway:
How you get support
Which case applies to your project?
Projects supported so far
Our mission:
find a way into a liveable future
What kind of world do we want to live in?
While we are busy connecting the world with cables, destroying ecosystems and making ourselves redundant in the face of artificial intelligence, we often forget this question. All of this can be quite frustrating — and you may be wondering where this will lead?
In our vision, the collective overload of climate change, unjust distribution of resources and disruptive technological developments is part of a gigantic development process. It is forcing us humans to reorganize our coexistence and develop at a breathtaking speed. Imagine the possibility to travel freely through many countries, equal access to education for all sexes, freedom of expression, a social system, workers’ rights, free choice of partner, same-sex marriage… All these social achievements have developed only recently in human history and we often take them for granted (at least us Europeans).
But the status quo is far from perfect — and for further development we need to understand the following: Humans are not only composed of their physical bodies and their intellects - their emotions and their spirituality are equal parts within them.
About spirituality and meaning
Maybe the word “spirituality” makes you imagine hippies in sackcloth sitting together in a circle and talking about their feelings. However, we are concerned here with the entire world of life and work, which nowadays often seems completely soulless: people are locked into automated processes like cogwheels and anyone who does not run smoothly is removed.
Recently, however, more and more “serious” business people in suits are realising that remaining successful in this increasingly complex system requires new perspectives. Being aware of the meaning of one’s own activities and having access to one‘s emotions are becoming increasingly important in this context. After all, those who learn to reconnect with their own and others’ emotions can deal more empathetically with challenges and together find solutions that could not be achieved cognitively on their own.
Those who develop their own spirituality can establish an active connection to themselves and all life and draw from this an enormous strength and motivation for their work.
Our task as bridge builders is to shape our lives and our work in a holistic and sustainable way and thus open up new paths for other people. We do not have ready-made solutions for this — but we do have tools that have been tried and tested in practice! We use them to build examples that combine technology and intelligence with empathy and meaning. In this way, we transform rigid cogwheel systems into organically growing living environments.
For a better understanding of how we envision an organization of the future, we recommend Frederick Laloux’s book “Reinventing Organizations”. Have a look at this short video to get an idea of what it is about.
Frequently Asked Questions
Would you like to find out more about and the conditions under which we will support you? Then have a look at our FAQ section.
Questions about the organisation
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